Intensive Care Unit of Sri Jayewardenepura General Hospital is a well-recognised centre in the country for treating critically ill patents. Intensive Care Unit is equipped with latest, state of the art life support systems and vital sign monitoring systems to provide an effective and quality service to the patients.
ICU is managed by Consultant Anaesthetists while senior, well experienced resident medical officers are available round the clock. Each patient is closely observed and monitored by well experienced, senior nursing officers, who
have received extensive training in managing critically ill patients and handling sophisticated ICU equipment.
All procedures in the ICU are carried out according to specially defined protocols and all protocols have been laid down according to the international standards of intensive care and are frequently revised and updated. Apart from the general ICU, Neonatal ICU, Neuro-surgical, Cardiology ICU and Cardio-thoracic ICU also provide the intensive care facilities in relevant specialties.