She joined SJGH in 2011. She has been a Board Certified Consultant for the past 16 years. She has worked as a Consultant Anaesthetist at General Hospital Ampara and Teaching Hospital Mahamodera, Galle before joining SJGH She obtained her overseas training from the Old Church Hospital, Esser, United Kingdom. She was a council member in Sri Lanka College of Anaesthesiologists in 2009.
She joined SJGH in year 1995 and has been a Board Certified Consultant Radiologist for the past 12 years. She obtained her overseas training at the Department of Diagnostic Neuro-Radiology, University of Yale, United States of America. She structured the mammography unit and pioneered the screening and diagnostic mammography programme in SJGH. She has been a member of the Board of Study in Radiology in PGIM from 2012-2014. She has several national and international publications in peer reviewed journals to her credit.
Dr. R.A.S.T. Rupasinghe joined SJGH as a medical officer, and specialised in ENT, Head and Neck Surgery. She was the first ENT surgeon to conduct bilateral cochlear implant surgery in Sri Lanka successfully.
He joined SJGH in 2013. He has been a Board certified Consultant for past 09 years. He obtained his overseas training from Essex cardiothoracic Centre United Kingdom. He has worked at NHSL before joining SJGH. He is a member of Sri Lanka Heart Association, College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka and International Society of Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery. He was awarded as Most Outstanding Sri Lankan in Medicine year 2014 for key hole cardiac surgery. He has pioneered minimally invasive cardiac surgery in the country and performed MIDCAB surgery, minimally invasive hole in the heart and minimally invasive mitral valve repair surgery.
Dr.Roshini Karunanayake joined Sri Jayewardenepura General Hospital in 1998 as a medical officer. She then proceeded to complete Diploma in Child Health and MD Paediatrics. She was trained at Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospital NHS Trust, UK and Board Certified in 2015. She has work experience at Lady Ridgeway Hospital for Children, Base hospital Avissawella and Teaching Hospitals in Anuradhapura and Karapitiya. She has pioneered many clinics for differently abled children at SJGH and organized the first ever Abilities day event in this hospital to encourage the children attending these clinics. She has organized events for world Down syndrome day and world Autism day.
Dr.S.B.MT.M.D. Tennakoon is a reputed ENT Surgeon working at SJGH, at Ward 11.
He joined SJGH in 2014. He has been a Board Certified Consultant for the past 16 years. He has worked at PGH-Monaragala, PGH-Badulla and BH-Balapitiya, before joining SJGH. He obtained his overseas training from Old Church Hospital, UK. He has published his scientific research in European Journal of Surgical Oncology First case of Endodermal sinus tumor of liver in Sri Lanka and other publications and presentations.
Dr. Shyama Subasinghe joined Sri Jayewardenepura General Hospital in 2001. She has been a Board Certified Physician for the last 14 years. She obtained her overseas training at Redland Hospital Brisbane Australia. She has been the Acting Deputy Director at Sri Jayewardenepura General Hospital for one year. She has actively promoted academic pursuits of SJGH through her role as the Secretary of Clinical Society (2013-2014) and Vice President (2014). She has presented her research in several national and international fora and authored the book -Suwabara Mahaluviyak.
Dr. Suresh Kottegoda is the Consultant Cardiac Electro Physiologist of SJGH. He joined SJGH in 2014.He has been a Board certified Consultant for the past 09 years. He has worked at NHSL before joining the SJGH. He obtained his overseas training from Liverpool Heart & Chest Hospital, UK.
Implantation of Permanent Pacemakers, ICD-s & CRT-s / Radiofrequency Ablation Surgeon for Abnormal Heart Rhythms / Tilt Table Testing / Holter Study / Heart Rhythm Clinics
Dr.Thanuja Darshani is the newest addition to our experienced team of Consultants at Sri Jayawardenepura General Hospital. She recieved board registration as a specialist in Emergency Medicine in 2015 and has previously worked at main hospitals of Ministry of Health Sri Lanka. She heads our revamped Emergency Treatment Unit to provide the highest level of care to patients presenting with acute medical and surgical emergencies.